Be Ready to Shoot Your Best Golf Score Ever

Man playing golf at sunset

Golf is certainly a game where many of us find ourselves in pursuit of that record low round. For those who keep score, it’s most likely they know what their record low score is and where they shot it. For some, it can be for bragging rights. For others it’s the measurement of a lifetime of practice and dedication. One thing is for sure, if you know what your record low score is on the golf course, you also have an urge to beat it given the chance. As golfers pursue that record low, there are five important things to know in order to be ready to shoot that record round.

Have a pre-shot routine. The pre-shot routine is important to consistency in golf. It’s not uncommon to see golfers doing different things before they hit the ball each time. One time, they may take two or three practice swings. The next time they might stand behind the ball planning out their shot or perhaps looking for inspiration. You need to establish a pre-shot routine and repeat it every time. Maybe it’s getting behind the ball, picking out a target, then stepping right in and hitting the shot. Maybe its a practice swing then address and hit the shot. Decide on what works for you and purposely do it every time. Now, when you have a chance to set that record low score, the pre-shot routine is more important than ever. It brings consistency, predictability and can calm you down when the pressure is on.

Don’t spend time with the scorecard. We all instinctively know when we have a great round going. Some players start obsessing over the scorecard. Some even obsess to the point where they add up where they are at and start laying out a plan of action on how they are going to bring this great round home. It’s the old saying like “all I have to do is make bogey or better on these last three holes and I’ll break 80.” They could be coming off playing the last three holes one under par and are now introducing the thought that they can let up and make bogeys. Not ideal and can be a real momentum changer when it comes to execution on the next few holes. For examples on how to handle scorecards, look to the professionals. When they are on a hot streak, they pull out a scorecard, write down and score and put it away very quickly. Spend all the time you want obsessing over the numbers once the round is over.

Don’t get ahead of yourself. This is one of the biggest cliches in all sports but applies to golf as much or even more than most other sports. It can tempting to get ahead of yourself and start thinking about that next difficult tee shot or even that short par 5 that you are going to birdie. However, a wandering mind is not an effective mind. Use your routine, decide on the shot and hit shot. Certainly, think through your present shot and set yourself up for success. If you need to par a hole it may be time to hit to the middle of the green to give yourself the best chance at making that par. Make sure to stay in the moment and take each shot one at a time.

Remind yourself its okay to be on a hot streak and don’t be afraid to embrace it. Let’s face it, golf can be a game that beats down the best in the world from time to time. So, certainly the average golfer goes through many valleys in their game. It could be a set of holes, an entire round or for a length of time. 99.9% of us grind it out, fight through it and ride it out. Sometimes it feels like it will never turn around, but again we ride it out. So, why wouldn’t you ride out a hot streak. It doesn’t have to end. You don’t have to give away a good round and fall back into your typical score comfort zone. Remind yourself how long you hung in there in the past. Now, let yourself enjoy the hot streak you are on. It doesn’t have to end either.

Stay Positive. Remember to stay positive because that’s a part of the reason why you are on pace to finish out a record score. We’ve all been around golfers who focus on the negatives on the course course. They see the water hazards. They see the sand traps. They focus on the negatives and seem to hit the ball right toward the place they wanted to stay away from in the first place. When you have a great round going, it can be even more tempting to start seeing the water hazards. You might have casually carved your way around 17 holes full of hazards for the day without given them much of a thought. However, it’s when you’re on number 18 tee that you might start to notice how small that fairway looks and how large that water hazard looks. You have to purposely change your thoughts. Focus on your target not the places where you can’t hit it. Stay positive and remind your self that you’re hot today. Today is your day.


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